Friday, November 14, 2008

I Forgot

I could try to think up something to use as a good excuse such as the cat messed up my computer or my computer crashed or …. Shoot! It’s not working.

Okay, I know I have no good excuse unless you consider the fact that I spent part of the week visiting my sister. It was like having a holiday in the middle of the week. You actually forget what day it is because the next day feels like Monday to you.

Well, I went to her house on Tuesday because it was her birthday, and our brother came and took us to dinner. I spent the night with her and came home the next day (Wednesday), but it really did feel like Monday. Therefore, my week was already mixed up. It was okay though, as I said, it was her birthday and we had a ball.

But Thursday arrived, though it felt like Tuesday to me and that is when I forgot. I know I am supposed to write my blog every other Thursday and here it is Friday and I’m slinking in to say a few words – very few because I have a doctor’s appointment and then have to get ready for a party tonight. (More Excuses.)

So, please forgive me this time and I promise I’ll do better. At least this was the first time. Maybe it won’t happen again. I don’t know though. Those senior moments seem to be coming more frequently lately.

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